Richard Ludlam

Sewage, Getting to the Bottom of It ..

by Richard Ludlam

When customers contact ERIKS for a quotation, they obviously know what their basic problem is that needs addressing. They often also have the solution in mind, even if they don't tell us as much.

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From Luddites to Leaders: Time to Train for the Factory of the Future

by Richard Ludlam

The British are a curious breed: torn between tradition and modernity, we welcome the new while embracing the old. This has led to some interesting 21st-Century revamps of British institutions, from the slick re-design of the London red bus, to the introduction of free wi-fi in telephone boxes.

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Separating Frack from Friction

by Richard Ludlam

There's an area where fracking is really going off the seismic scale - and it can be witnessed whenever the opposing forces of its anti and pro lobbies clash.

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Supply chain disruption is driving reshoring. But are we ready?

by Richard Ludlam

The trend towards reshoring has been growing for some time.  It was initially prompted by Brexit, combined with a decline in the value of the pound, tariff disputes, geopolitical uncertainty and climate change.  The Covid-19 pandemic, however, which has caused major disruption to global supply chains, has forced many manufacturing companies to take a long hard look at how and where they produce products and systems.

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How Are Brexit Talks Being Conducted

by Richard Ludlam

Have you wondered how Brexit trade talks are going to be conducted? Are we, for example, going to take a sectoral approach or a broad-brush one-size-fits-all?

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Demand the Best Supply Solutions

by Richard Ludlam

Whether you’re after a critical component to get production back up and running, a regular consumables delivery, or expert technical advice, ERIKS deliver. And the figures show that ERIKS deliver on time, no less than 99.6% of the time.

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Maintaining Skill Levels in Modern Manufacturing

by Richard Ludlam

‘What happens if I train my staff and they leave?” is a question often asked by business owners and managers. It’s usually met with the response of “What if I don’t train them and they stay?”

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A Recipe for Success

by Richard Ludlam

Responding to changing demand, seasonal trends and even the legislative landscape, can present a herculean task for businesses but what can the food & beverage industry and the pharmaceutical sectors learn from each other, if anything?

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Can KPI's Be Fatal in Waste and Recycling?

by Richard Ludlam

5 people were killed in the waste and recycling industry in 2016, and 37 from 2010-15. Add in the 6,000+ workplace injuries in the industry over the same period, and it starts to look like a very dangerous place to work. But could it be your focus on the wrong KPIs that’s a potentially fatal error?

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Move Fast and Manufacture Things

by Richard Ludlam

It was Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook who encapsulated his business philosophy as “Move fast and break things.” While the same way of operating wouldn’t get you far in manufacturing, the underlying principle of being disruptive to open up new opportunities and new revenue streams still applies.

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At ERIKS we strive to deliver the best quality service and products. As part of this goal we encourage customers to submit feedback on their experiences so we can resolve any issues and concerns.

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