Posted at 18 December 2018

Every Gasket You'll Ever Need - In a Pen from Loctite!

Paul Skade
By Jon Whitehouse
Director, Industrial MRO and Safety

Having started in the Electrical industry in 1995 my early career developed holding a variety of roles from technical support through to business development with...

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What takes the place of every shape and size of gasket in your inventory? The proven leak-fighting properties of the LOCTITE 518 liquid gasket. The most effective choice for all your gasket needs, it means that the gasket you need is always at hand

loctite 518 liquid gasket pen


But now there’s another reason for choosing LOCTITE 518: it’s in a roller pen applicator.

Think about how many different gaskets are fitted to assets on your site. Then think about how many variations of shapes and sizes there are. Do you keep every option in stock? If not, how quickly and easily can you put your hands on the right size and shape when you need a replacement?

Now imagine how much quicker, easier and more cost-effective it would be if you could seal every possible application with just one gasket.

That’s what a liquid gasket makes possible, with just one package for any size or shape of gasket you need. And the new LOCTITE® 518 Roller Pen makes it easier and quicker than ever.

Go with the flow

Liquid gaskets are naturally more effective than cut gaskets, for several reasons.

Firstly, because they’re liquid, they flow into all the voids and surface imperfections that are inevitable between two metal surfaces. Where a cut gasket would simply sit above a void, the LOCTITE 518 liquid gasket flows into it, ensuring it’s completely filled to prevent weeping and leaks. Since poor surface contact is one of the major causes of failure and leakage of compression gaskets, that’s a significant advantage.

Secondly, traditional cut gaskets often relax under dynamic load, or crack, tear or decay due to bolt hole distortion. None of this affects LOCTITE 518, which evenly distributes stress through its flexible, high-strength, high pressure-resistant seal.

So you can be sure that a LOCTITE 518 liquid gasket seal:

  • won’t tear
  • won’t settle
  • won’t slip
  • won’t relax.
  • And most important of all: won’t leak.


A cure for contamination

The latest formulation of LOCTITE 518 is oil-tolerant. Given the kind of conditions in most workshop and maintenance environments, that’s an important quality for ensuring a consistent cure.

An anaerobic adhesive formulation, it can cure through light surface contamination, and even works effectively on stainless steel and aluminium without any need for an additional activator.

When fully cured, the LOCTITE 518 liquid gasket maintains clamp load effectively. And because it also prevents corrosion, when the time comes to disassemble the joint – even after extended service – all it takes it the application of cleavage load between the flanges for the mated and sealed surfaces to separate easily and cleanly.   

Roll-on better sealing

Using the LOCTITE 518 roll-on applicator pen, all you have to do is “draw” your gasket on the surfaces you want to seal. It’s the quickest and easiest way to create your own perfectly sized and shaped, tailor-made gasket. No waste, no mess, and no danger of not having the right gasket in your storeroom.

Pick up the phone or your mouse now and contact your usual ERIKS service centre about the LOCTITE 518 roll-on applicator. Then next time you need a gasket, all you’ll have to do is pick up a pen.


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