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Automatic Track and Trace Emails GO LIVE on March 4th!
March 2024
Following a period of successful testing and customer trials it has been announced that from Monday 4th March automated direct despatch track and trace emails will be switched on for all UK and Ireland customers. This new functionality is a great step forward for ERIKS as it enables us to further offer an Amazon-type seamless digital experience to our customers and for them to have full insight into the delivery schedule of their orders.

When goods are direct despatched from the ERIKS Fulfilment Centre the customer contact noted on the sales order will receive an email notification enabling them to track and trace their order by simply following the link. It’s important to note that email notifications will only be received by customer contacts if the goods are sent from or are directed through the Fulfilment Centre in Oldbury.
The email notification will contain the following information, firstly, the email subject will say: “ERIKS Despatch notification for your order no. 123” and this will pick up the customer’s order number from the Eos sales order number field. Secondly, the body copy in the email will include a HYPERLINK to transfer the customer contact directly to the carrier’s site. By following this link customers will be able to access the actual tracking status of their goods.
The email will also contain information from the Eos sales order, this includes:
- The Order Line Number
- The Supplied Quantity
- The Part Number Reference
- A short description of all the items contained within the delivery.
The container reference and the servicing branch address and phone number will also be included to ensure the customer has all the information they need without having to speak to or contact anyone – which is what customers (in reality all of us) expect these days.
One important point to note is that this new functionality has been designed so that service managers can ‘switch off’ customer contacts from receiving automatic email notifications, should they think it appropriate to do so. There is more information on the process for doing this on the Eos community.
Talking about the launch of automatic Track and Trace Sally Hill, Chief Operating Officer said, “We have anticipated this moment for some time, but we needed to get it right and therefore we have invested a lot of time and money in testing the system and running live trials with customers. During this process we have worked through the inevitable snags, and we now have full confidence that our customers will be delighted with the information they can easily get and it, once again, this positions ERIKS as being a digitally developed business in the eyes of our customers.”
To get in touch, please call 0121 508 6000 or contact your local ERIKS Service Centre, who will be happy to discuss your options.
#ERIKS #ERIKSUKI #LetsMakeIndustryWorkBetter #TrackAndTrace #DirectDespatch #FCE