Richard Ludlam

My Data Factory: Effective Ways to Manage Your Stores and Inventory

by Richard Ludlam

ERIKS research has revealed that 65% of a business’ resources are dedicated to controlling just 10% of its purchases. And, when a replacement part is required, finding it wastes an average of almost a quarter of an hour – every part, every time.

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My Data Factory: Effective Ways to Manage Your Stores and Inventory

by Richard Ludlam

ERIKS research has revealed that 65% of a business’ resources are dedicated to controlling just 10% of its purchases. And, when a replacement part is required, finding it wastes an average of almost a quarter of an hour – every part, every time.

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ERIKS Collaborates with TU Delft Students to Scoop Second Place

by Richard Ludlam

The world of advanced technology, and the culture that surrounds it, is moving at an incredible pace, with developments that we could never envision coming to the forefront of the industry - take Elon Musk’s SpaceX Hyperloop competition as the perfect example

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Cheque Mate - Brexit & The Manufacturing Industry

by Richard Ludlam

The Government has finally come up with a Brexit negotiating position and, on the surface, it appears to be good news for manufacturers.

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Hacked Off?

by Richard Ludlam

Data security has been in the news a lot recently, with more than one million UK Facebook users having had their data ‘shared’ with Cambridge Analytica, which then went on to use it for various illicit political purposes.

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Industry 4.0, What's Holding the UK Back?

by Richard Ludlam

The so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution has received much press attention over the past few years, bringing with it the promise of automation, efficiency and output like never before.

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Think Smart: Why Better Technology Won't Save a Broken System

by Richard Ludlam

We’re lucky enough to live in an age that offers a gadget or gizmo for nearly every application we can imagine. That isn’t to say, however, that a smart device will make a poorly-designed system more efficient, any more than a smart phone will make Joe Public the next Albert Einstein. When it comes to improving your flow control system, we at ERIKS prefer to take a more holistic approach.

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ERIKS ATEX Capabilities are Expanding

by Richard Ludlam

Our Aberdeen workshop has recently been awarded ATEX accreditation in Repair and Overhaul which enables them to carry out EX work for rotating equipment and associated enclosures. 

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Where Do You Go With Your Operating Assets - ERIKS Asset Cares

by Richard Ludlam

Where you go next with your operating assets depends on where you are now and where you want to get to. Operating and maintaining your process and production equipment should never be a straight-line journey. If you’re going to optimise its efficiency and minimise its Total Cost of Ownership, it demands product lifecycle management from beginning to end – and then back to the beginning again.

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Don't Let the Facts Get in the Way of a Good Story

by Richard Ludlam

The media loves a good innovation story that offers us a glimpse of a bright new shiny future. The recent electric cars story is a case in point. The BBC, and to be fair all the major media organisations, went full tilt at a government announcement about setting a target to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2040 and force everyone to buy electric vehicles. 

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At ERIKS we strive to deliver the best quality service and products. As part of this goal we encourage customers to submit feedback on their experiences so we can resolve any issues and concerns.

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