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Bearing down on contamination


As we move towards a post-COVID world, there will undoubtedly be a greater focus on hygiene. As a result, maintenance teams at food and beverage plants, along with machinery and equipment suppliers and system integrators, must increase their efforts to avert any opportunities for contamination. Deploying a new strategy, effectively, demands a component-level approach, one in which astute bearing selection will pay a vital part with significant benefits to unlock.

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Testing the Water with WRAS-approved Adhesives

by Jon Whitehouse

There are strict rules and regulations surrounding the use of adhesives such as threadlockers and sealants for products that are likely to convey or regulate public drinking water. Failure to check that an adhesive complies with the necessary standards can lead to disastrous consequences. Health, costs, and brand reputation are on the line. So, our advice to you is, check carefully before making your purchase.

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How not to lubricate chain

by Alex Mills

Lubricating roller chain can be time-consuming, costly and – for food and beverage applications in particular – can cause a host of unwanted problems. So why do it? Instead, choose a chain which lets you lose the lubrication.

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Making Online Monitoring part of your maintenance strategy Part 3: When knowledge meets know-how

by Thomas Boswell

Over the past two issues of Know+How, we have been considering methods you can use to monitor and maintain your assets, and to achieve the key goals of any business: reduced maintenance costs, increased uptime, optimised efficiency and maximised productivity. We have also looked at how an holistic view of the data gathered will help you make more sense of – and better use of – all of it. Now, in this final part of the story, we are looking at how the information you want can provide the knowledge you need. And how know-how can turn that knowledge into the power to improve your operations.

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Industrial Gearboxes: Unsung Heroes

by Gareth Lenton

Heavy duty helical, bevel, worm and planetary gearboxes are among the most common pieces of equipment used in many different industrial applications, from food and beverage, pharmaceutical and quarrying, to mining, power generation and the manufacture of metals and chemicals.  

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Tie the knot with ERIKS SupplyPartner Programme

by Richard Ludlam

Best-Selling American author, John. C. Maxwell once wrote “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – and at ERIKS Industrial Services we truly believe that by working together, we can achieve great things.

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Brexit: predictable uncertainty. How we’re working with customers to manage the challenges of Brexit

by Richard Ludlam

After four years of uncertainty, we have now moved to a position where the terms of the future relationship with our largest trading partner are becoming clearer.  However, the devil, as the saying goes, is in the detail; much of this still remains to be worked out if we’re to return to anything close to the seamless and business-friendly model that we’ve enjoyed for the last 40 years.

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When you're in a hole, stop digging and start pumping

by Mark Carpenter

It’s a situation any engineer will relate to. A failed asset. A constantly evolving situation. The costs of downtime rapidly racking-up. You’re in it up to your neck. But imagine if what you’re in is seawater, and you’re in it up to 18m deep. That was the problem for an oil and gas producer at their newly-acquired offshore production site off the Humber Estuary. 

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A good time to think about grease

by James Goodgame

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that contamination can come from the most unexpected sources. In a wet environment of the kind common in the meat and meat processing sectors, that source is bacterial contamination of the grease surface, which can lead to further contamination in the process.

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Getting Torpoint Ferry back on track

by Mahesh Patel

Just imagine. Public safety at risk, severe commuter delays, and a media frenzy all hit at once. Now throw in a global pandemic. You can understand why many thought they were fighting the impossible. But as the Great Nelson Mandela once said: “It always seems impossible until it gets done.”

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