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What's the Worst that Can Happen for Water and Waste-water?

by Mark Jackson

In many plant rooms, equipment problems can lead to a complete shutdown of production. But for a major water and waste-water utility, that’s not the worst that can happen. It’s the fact they can’t shut down production which is the problem.

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Making your Plant Room a No Waiting Zone

by Andy Cruse

Next time you need a made-to-order bare shaft pump set for your plant room, you can paint double yellow lines all around the floor. Because instead of the 8-12 weeks’ wait you might expect for an engineered pump from most suppliers, ERIKS can provide the same asset in just 2-3 days. 

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There's No Business Like E-Business

by Russell Williams

Moving your purchasing processes to paperless E-Business will reduce your costs, improve the control and reliability of your product ordering and supply, and increase your efficiency.

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There's No Business Like E-Business

by Russell Williams

Moving your purchasing processes to paperless E-Business will reduce your costs, improve the control and reliability of your product ordering and supply, and increase your efficiency.

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Why You're the Manchester United of Your Plant Room

by Gareth Lenton

Man Utd. claimed to have over 650 million at the last count. You won’t have quite so many. But just like Man Utd., you’ll want them to go on supporting you, day in and day out. And though you’re not looking to make money out of them with replica shirts, you certainly don’t want them to cost you money. 

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Is there a Doctor in the Plant Room?

by Carl Lock

An experienced engineer is like a Doctor: understanding the need to look beyond the obvious symptoms, to identify the cause and prescribe the cure. ERIKS’ engineers in particular have the know-how to look beyond the obvious and take a more comprehensive approach, as demonstrated with one customer’s recent pump problem. 

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Cleared for Take Off

by James Goodgame

While 747s take off and land 24/7, behind the scenes at any large airport there are far more down-to-earth operations going on – though they’re just as critical to the smooth running of the site. So when health and safety and cost concerns arose in the Energy Centre of a major UK international airport, ERIKS had to quickly get a solution off the ground. 

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Get Filtration on Your Side (Stream)


A Closed Loop Water Circuit is an essential part of any building’s environmental control system. But what about abrasion, corrosion, faulty valve operation, maintenance problems and poor temperature control? Are they an unavoidable part of a Closed Loop Water Circuit? 

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Creating a Cast-Iron Solution in the Plant Room

by Carl Lock

Meeting a customer’s order with a like-for-like product is the easy option. But applying know-how and going the extra mile will often deliver a more cost-effective solution. The difference was recently demonstrated for an ERIKS customer requiring a new plant room drains pump. 

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So Many Belts, So Little Time

by Alex Mills

A belt breakdown in an air handling unit is more than just an inconvenience. With so many different belts to choose from, the right replacement is unlikely to be on hand, and that can mean lengthy downtime. But now with Fenner® QuickFix, any belt breakdown can be sorted in just half an hour.

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