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Style, Safety and Comfort... all-in-one PPE!

by Paul Skade

Honeywell understands that it’s crucial to wear the correct personal protection equipment at all times but comfort and convenience should never be compromised.

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How Does Changing a Filter Help Reduce Energy Bills?


Just like cigarettes come with health warnings, perhaps some air filters should come with a ‘wealth warning.’ Because by simply changing your filter to a different type of technology, you can reduce your energy costs while maintaining a sufficient level of filtration and airflow.

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Prevention in Sight with Condition Monitoring

by David Manning-Ohren

At ERIKS we understand the importance of the surveillance, protection and healthcare of your key assets, and condition monitoring plays a vital role. Taking the step from reactive to predictive maintenance boasts multiple benefits for your site – reduced downtime and increased productivity levels just the tip of the iceberg.

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Getting the Best Efficiency from Geared Drives

by Gareth Lenton

Motor efficiencies are well known, IE2 (high efficiency) and IE3 (premium efficiency. Depending on how much you are willing to invest, you pay your money and make your choice, but are you selecting your geared motors in the same manner? If not, then you should be!

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Maximise your Pump Efficiency

by Andy Cruse

Did you know that pumps are the largest users of motive power in the industry? But they also waste 50% of the energy they consume… scary statistics.

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Squeeze the Savings out of Compressed Air with Festo


In no short terms, the hiss from a compressed air leak is the sound of money going down the drain, so companies need to be more vigilant when searching for energy savings – they may in places you’d never imagine.

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The Truth About Quality: Counterfeit Bearings and the Consequences


Unfortunately we live in a generation of counterfeit products, and the rise of illegitimate bearings in the marketplace is truly concerning. So how you do know you won’t be the next victim?

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Engineers Losing Time in the Store Room?

by David Kington

It’s a fact that when an engineer can’t find parts in their stores, it’s costly for the business, particularly in terms of lost time, which research has indicated can account for up to 40% of their day.

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Engineers Losing Time in the Store Room?

by David Kington

It’s a fact that when an engineer can’t find parts in their stores, it’s costly for the business, particularly in terms of lost time, which research has indicated can account for up to 40% of their day.

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Don't Waste Time - Put Tools in their Place

by Jon Whitehouse

A poorly-designed production area can increase waiting, as it means operators have further to walk to fetch tools or components. While they’re walking around the factory, a machine will be waiting for maintenance, or a production line waiting to restart. The problem is made even worse if the operator arrives at a location to discover a tool is missing.

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Delivering for the dairy - greater milking efficiency with ERIKS and Spirax

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Leaking control valves were leaving a dairy product manufacturer feeling pretty cheesed off. Fortuna...

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